Move your mouse over the images below to reveal some rather strange Shakespearean connections.
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According to the curators of the Folger Library in Washington, DC the two portraits below are of the same man.  They claim that their highly controversial Ashbourne portrait, which can be seen at the bottom of this page, is Lord Hamersley.  The painting directly below these words is a confirmed portrait of Hamersley.  Take a close look at just the exposed earlobes of each man.  Are these two men the same man?  If you believe as I do that the Ashbourne is not Hamersley, please write Dr. Blake at the Folger Library and let her know that
their identification tag needs to be changed. 

   (Are these two portraits below images of the same man, or they two separate people?
      You can cast your vote or make a comment in the contact section of this website.)
1627 confirmed painting of Lord Hamersley.  This painting is currently hanging in the Haberdashers' Hall in London, England. 
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1611 Ashbourne portrait.  It is now currently hanging in the Librarian's office in the Folger Library in Washington DC.  It is labled Lord Hamersley.  Many Oxfordians, including this author, believe this portrait, which was once Labled William Shakespeare, is the missing portrait of Edward de Vere.